General Election 2020 Hub

Did Joe Loughnane make history today? Has a candidate ever been suspended by his own party before on election day? @sidney?

Anybody who has not voted by now may as well forget about it.

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People before profit and the solidarity lads are like the people’s front of judea and the judean people’s front etc


The Left is eating its own children. again

In Clare locals a few years ago a shinner was dumped day before polling over some fb comments about knackers he made a few years previous. O Reilly I think his name was

I’m going in late to cast the deciding vote just before ten.

Some wankhammer marched into polling Station wheeling a pram, voted, then turned to his not even one year old child in pram and declared for all to hear - “now son, that’s how democracy works”…


I should hope he got it filmed for social media .

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Or shot with a ball of his own shite…

Jst back Limerick ater being #hometovote

Tis nasty out.

I’ve just twigged that mrs O Sullivan’s polling card is up for use as she’s in Spain… I’m gonna get princess to use it.


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They’re an awful crowd. All for free speech unless you happen to disagree with them.


Appropriate to have the Well colours of saffron & blue in the background


@Bandage is a top top dad


Typical shinner behaviour.

Typical ‘Rastooler behaviour. The lad who tells you he’s in the Ra is not in the Ra.

1 FF
2 Lab
3 SF

13 Lowry


@bandage, @ralphie or any other wexicans who care. Johnny Mythen is set to top the poll in Enniscorthy apparently which would be some achievement. I doubt he’ll poll as well in other parts of the county.

The FFG hardcore’s have been sending out messages of distress all day to try and combat Mythen finishing on top.

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He’s a fantastic guy and a wonderful candidate.

cc @Gman

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