General Election 2020 Hub

As Fine Gael head into opposition, the issue is how bad the losses will be. They’ll be hoping to win a seat in nearly all of the 39 constituencies and get 2 in a handful of the 12 constituencies in which they have 2 plus Cork North West and Rathdown where they’re targeting a second.

They might maybe topple Seamus Healy in Clonmel for a gain but seem to have zero chance in Galway/Roscommon. Sligo/Leitrim, Cork North Central, Dublin South Central & North West and maybe Kildare North is where they’re vulnerable. If they can’t win a seat in Meath West and Wexford, it’s annihilation.

Will anybody here be included in the RTE opinion poll?

Put a number on that

Was that a TFK influenced bump in your GP preference mate ? :+1:

Father was up here today. Voted before he left. He voted Kelly 1 and GP 2. I’m not sure he’s ever voted Green .

He said that Kelly is an arrogant prick, but by God does he get shit done.

He fucked the Lowry canvassers out of it.


Kelly is the only proper politician in Tipp in fairness to him


@Mac still pining for averil Doyle and the furious forelock tugging.


Christ but she’s nothing but 2 ends of a cunt

Proper politician = getting random local shit done


This is how you end up with the chance that someone like Bobby Awylard will be representing our nation on the world stage

37/38 I had them down for last night.

I got two more from her cousin and wife… :joy:

What a day.

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just shooting over, AGAIN.

Huh? No, Alan Kelly is the only proper politician because he contributes nationally. Basically the exact opposite of what you said. Calm down


Bobby has his eye on the Foreign Affairs portfolio should FF be in a position to form a Government. No point in having a man of his abilities lounging around in some meaningless Junior ministry.*

*Wakes up after a small snooze…

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We are really blessed in Tipperary.

In Mattie and Kelly we have proper politicians and in Lowry we have a Rolls Royce.

I hope Hannigan gets there but that would have to be at the expense of Kelly I guess.

FG will finish higher than SF in overall %. The young people who don’t mind voting online didn’t bother their arse today by the sounds of it.

As the father said, if labour get into govt, he has to get senior ministry.

He’s mad for power but gets shit done

Fair enough - the “he got me a passport that time I acted like a prick and forgot to renew” shite” drives me absolutely demented. It results in worker bee fools who are entirely unsuited for the Dail and also dissuades potentially capable candidates as they have no interest in the funeral circuit shit-show

Dobbo :clap:


If Bobby delivers 3 seats in Carlow/Kilkenny, he can have any job in cabinet he wants I’s say. There’s hardly anywhere else they’ll pick up 3?