General Election 2020 Hub

I’d imagine Kelly is a good TD.

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To be fair he is.

It’s a lot higher level than that. Managed to get a load of jobs for Nenagh. Fucking Nenagh! If every country town had a td like AK47 the country would be flying.

Who is he?

My polling booth was DESERTED at 9:18pm

Don’t trigger me :grimacing:

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It will all be over in a minute

Be very surprised if they win 2nd seat in Cork NW

Here we go.


Is there an argument for mandatory voting? Can’t believe levels are so low in some places. Apathy romping home again.

Id predict a big left wing vote. Higher than predicted

I could never switch my vote to one of these impersonal city polling stations

Turnout “higher” than normal said the lads at the desk but I think they were humouring me and the sheet with the list of names crossed out or not crossed out looked the same as usual.

A nation holds it breath

Ah this is fierce exciting

Diabetes in a box. Smashing

I bet yours doesn’t have hardwood floors like that.

Oh my word

A triple dead heat

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Holy fuck


Holy shit

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