General Election 2020 Hub

We need consistency says he…has he looked at the demographics over the last few GEs. It just shows how blinkered FFG are.

Conway Walsh doing well in Mayo for SF

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Fine Gael seem to have absolutely no concept of what the vast majority of the population are thinking, and not just in this election, but in general. They seem to constantly judge the mood of the people wrong

Joan Burton pretty much gone based on it initial tallies


That’s what they are saying on RTÉ Radio 1

No surprise there, and I’m fucking delighted for her

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I’ve a spring in my step now


Louth with 5% of boxes has sf comfortably getting 2 seats. Jed Nash 3rd and Fergus O Dowd in 6th

My takeaway from this election is that 300,000 voters deserted FF in 2011 and they aren’t coming back.


Not to mention the ones who have since passed

Any word from Limerick City?

The ones that are left will pass away too. Any politically ambitious youngster will see that and take their talents elsewhere. Not having had any policy meant FF were always the natural home for these people.

gowl. Steamer. Kid.

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Very interesting

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You’re a massive help on days like today

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Who have you backed?

ROD has 1785 of the 1910 :hushed:

How the fuck does mmoc keep her vote. She’s one of the most useless cunts in Leinster house


John Downing is some geebag

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