General Election 2020 Hub

Bertie on with Ivan on radio Dinny.

its good in fairness alright - i just train away on a bag and the weights while they are at so im not watching too much - 5-8 year olds - yer man is very good - club in cavan

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Mary Fitzpatrick (FF) looking unlikely already in Dublin Central.

SF, Green, FG and possibly SD


Leccy is back and the tallies are coming in… Here we go!

Would you prefer a FG/SF coalition or FF/SF one of you had to choose between the two mate? How would others in the party feel?

They were also the same people who turned their back on the people of the north and left the nationalists to be burned out of their homes by blood thirsty orange mobs and British Army death squads… They, and their parents, caused the troubles as much as anything… Typical of the I’m alright jack politics of FFG, they had no problem with nationalists being murdered but when they mobilized to defend themselves and looked to the south for help, they then became the enemy.

No one can ever justify the atrocities you outlined, but it’s great that you can single out IRA acts alone as the cause of the norths troubles… It’s mind blowing how many in the south have been brain washed to this type of thinking… The evidence is there to show that the British state were there bang in the middke of it murdering innocent people. Bloody Sunday, Ballymurphy, internment, Miami Show band and a host of other murders… This was a state, fuelling murder with its actions.

There was lots of shameful stuff done in the name of united Ireland, but the establishment, out to protect their lot in society, have done some job that they convinced a few generations that the conflict lay solely at the feet of the IRA… Especially given they were two men and a dog in the 60s.

The men of the civil war, all built their place in the sun… Political and business dynasties were built. Their sons went to clongowes and the likes… They divided up the new state between them and they didn’t want their monopolies challenged and spent the 60s/70s/80s making sure Rome didn’t fall to the hordes on the border.



SF should push the other two together to finally take over as the largest party next time around

Last thing people want is another confidence and supply arrangement

Mary Lou could have brought in a second seat. If SF are left out in the cold or there is a second election later in the year SF will run 70 candidates next time.

@anon61878697 will be on the ballot


Hopefully it means FF/FG go in together have a few give away budgets. Put more money in MY pocket.


I’ve the manifesto on the go here…first draft reads


The exit poll said Health and Housing were the main issues. Brexit was the #1 issue for 1%. Just goes to show Leo & Co. hadn’t a clue about what the electorate wanted.

The older generation wont vote for the Brits either kid. A plague on both their houses.

@anon61878697 will be Minister for Gaffs and @anon61956325 will be Minister for Health before the decade is out.

@Mark_Renton minister of sexy times.

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Jack Chambers is rattled to fuck :joy:
It’s too early to call this a 3 party country.


With the tallies now coming in fast and furious, Fianna Fail’s Niall Collins is ahead on 2,269, following by Independent Richard O’Donoghue on 1785 and Patrick O’Donovan Fine Gael, 1427.

@bandage and @ralphie. This would be some turn up