General Election 2020 Hub

SF to pick up two seats in Kildare. First time Kildare has elected SF candidate to Dail.

Like a bus.

First count in Carlow Kilkenny expected at 7pm ffs

Tommie Gorman is some windbag.


Was there a dinner dance last night?

It was RTE wot won it

The key event is the 2 into 3 for the leaders debate

Same in Cavan-Monaghan ffs. This will go on until about Wednesday

Looking promising for Mrs Hugo MacNeill in Kingstown.

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Cc @anon61878697

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Early doors but so far Sinn Fein seem to be doing even better than their wildest dreams. Could break 35 if it keeps going

Rugby pedigree and financing from Goldman Sachs will always do well in Dún Laoghaire.


Terrible election for FF from the position they were in and not bad for FG. Expectations, expectations. 38 seats might be on for SF. Being anti-choice has been shown to be electoral poison, and immigration has been shown to be a total non-issue. So the emerging picture is very positive in that sense.

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@Dziekanowski I may be wrong on Browne in Tipp. I don’t think it will be Alan Kelly to lose out though

Free advertising for the mellow pubs

In that case we would both be wrong in our own ways. It doesn’t make us bad people.

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Then again, that’s probably the tally from school lorcain polling station. :smile: