General Election 2020 Hub

Earthquake in Wd.

FG could lose a seat depending on how Cullinane transfers.

WOW. He must be in the running for most 1st preferences?

Have we seen anything from Donegal yet?

Delighted to give that that the 10th.

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The smear campaign on Eddie by Butlers team looks to have paid off

Quinlivan pushing Willie in Limerick

Dublin Rathdown: 41% tallied,

Catherine Martin 21.3 GREEN
Josepha Madigan 17.8 FG
Neale Richmond 14.3 FG
Shay Brennan 11.8 FF
Sorcha Nic Cormaic 10.9 SF
Shane Ross 8.0… IND

Ross is gone. Big race for the last seat. Brennan might nick it on FF and SF transfers but where Ross’s go will be very interesting. Could SF even get ahead of Brennan?

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Hon Jan

Unbelievable. But on top of being SF he is the best candidate in the constituency by a street.

David McWilliams is calling them the commuter belt provos this morning. Poor bastards working in Dublin yet unable to afford a house there. Trying to shove onto a packed train out to Leixlip or somewhere at 5.30pm because the crèche closes at 6.30pm and they need to be there on time. I didn’t see this happening but new poster @Dziekanowski astutely called it.


They don’t have a quota between them either

That looks like it could be a Green seat. FF vote there is surprisingly poor. Seems people have copped on how useless Butler is.

I would fucking love it if that Collins cunt didn’t get in, no sign of Daly?

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All my votes have done it… Donnachadh is ripping it up.

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It could be anything. The surplus will transfer everywhere based on geography as well as politics.

I’m telling you the Marxist-Feminists were organised online, lots of literature on anti-choice candidates, left and right, strong encouragement to transfer to the left but nods given to any FFG strong on repeal.

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Big vote for O’Donnell there, but he’ll struggle for transfers I suppose


The electorate don’t know what’s good for them.

If Sinn Féin’s transfers go left then soc Dems, Labour, PBP etc will be in the running for a lot of last seats.

The end of this election is going to be box office

Holly Cairns doing well in Cork South West. RTÉ reporter says she’s very transfer friendly. Thinly veiled Holly is a ride!!