General Election 2020 Hub

RTE haven’t had a single Sinn Fein contributor on their panels yet

Louth - 38% of boxes opened with “a slight bias towards the south of the county”

Think Ged is in trouble - Dearey (Green) could have a seat here - he’s Dundalk

Munster (SF): 27%
Ó Murchú (SF): 17%
O’Dowd (FG): 8.7%
Breathnach (FF): 8.0%
Fitzpatrick (IND) 7.9%
Nash (LAB) 7.7%
Dearey (GRN) 7.3%
McGahon (FG) 6.6%
Byrne (FF) 4.4%

It’s good to see that you want to assume the responsibility of government. @binkybarnes running scared about the prospect of going into government and giving up the sniping from the sidelines.

Sure FG were at 17% in opinion polls before it? Leos performance has saved them. SFs support didn’t change, if murder and pedophile support wont alter it, a deer in the headlights debate performance hardly will #gaffs/CHANGE

The real effect was how poor martin was, it has destroyed the party

Shane Ross, Katherine Zappone, Joan Burton, Regina Doherty and Paul Murphy could all be done here. I’m close to orgasm


Ole ole ole

Can someone please put up it looks like your goose is cooked Shane after he is dumped here!!

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We’ve seen it with Trump and Borris. Once sections of the media start concerted campaigns of ridicule against particular parties and politicians it only serves to galvanise their support.

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Perfect analogy

Wicklow: Brady (SF) will romp home, Simon Harris in second. Whitmore looking good to take a seat for the Soc Dems. Donnelly has pulled ahead of his FF running mate Casey and might be alright for a seat. Greens look like they might take one.

I went 1 SF 1 FG 1 FF 1 Soc Dem 1 Green - but predicted Casey, not Donnelly would get the FF seat.

Great to see FG voters reward Simon Harris and Eoghan Murphy

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I think Leo swung quite a few to FG in the last week. Numbers would support that. Martin on the other hand …

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The people of Rathmines and Ranelagh aren’t too worried about housing

FF dropped 8 percentage points during the campaign

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They’ve had a disaster imho, particularly in Dublin. FG had a sticky wicket - 9 years in gov etc. FF should have been surging. Where to from here?

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Howlin in a big battle but maybe the Wexford boxes could save him? Might get a decent whack off Mythen’s surplus?

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Dessie Ellis on 44.36% in Dublin North West.

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I know it’s a very early but It looks like Leo will still be Taoiseach if he wants it after all this, Fg/ff coalition with mihaul falling on his sword

FF/FG thank their lucky stars that SF didn’t run more candidates.