General Election 2020 Hub

There is a path for democracy to survive. FF whimper into a coalition under FG which would be stable for years, the country continues on the path to recovery with some tweaks, then in 4/5 years the only SF support left will be degenerates like in the above video from the rds, the protest will have folded if the economy is ok.

Alternatively SF in as a junior partner to FF now, the money tree withers and when the IMF are in again the subsequent election will destroy both.

Bobby Aylward FF could be in big trouble in Carlow Kilkenny with 53% of the boxes open though I’d say boxes in his area still have to come in. He’s on 4% with John Paul Phelan FG on 3%. Malcolm Noonan Green on 4% as well.


The smart guys are ditching bitcoin and investing in Easter Lily’s


That’s wishful thinking in the extreme. If FF and FG go in together they’ll get destroyed next time

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Please, please, please make it so

MLM has two quotas apparently on first preferences

That’s it, I’m going on the beer

Think the Greens will have a seat in Dublin South West.

IPSOS me bollix

Do FF have any other option? The best they can do is hope to be there when things are going better.

If they go in with SF now and it tanks, they are actually gone. Might be best for them to sit it out and hope the protest vote eventually comes back but i don’t see it after this performance.

This will be unprecedented if SF manage to take the 3rd seat here

Up to 5% now

When they made that call it was very pragmatic as things weren’t looking great . They shot at a crow and have landed a pheasant

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SF have polled well in Galway East but won’t take a seat. On 16%.

Carlow boxes mainly opened so far and Pat Deering not doing well.

Greens will get double figures
SF 30 plus


They need a name change as part of a rebrand.

@tallback, @TheUlteriorMotive @maroonandwhite… I look forward to working with you over the next 5 years. Let’s get a deal done early and get on with running the country.


Everyone turning on Mary Lou in the debate and thereafter has either been counterproductive or non productive

Lazarus like comeback