General Election 2020 Hub

Limerick city looks like Willie (FF) O’Donnell (FG) and Quinlivan (SF) are safe. A right battle for the fourth seat between Greens, Labour, FF and Daly. Nothing between the four of them. Transfers and staying alive the key

Lets go Greens

He definitely single handedly pulled them back


Why is there such a delay between a final tally and a first count?

agreed, the establishment had a choice between him & martin and he is a lot more competent

They must have the dinner

If no coalition comes out of this vote can SF run nationwide for the follow up or is it the same candidates as this time out?

Based on this FF don’t have a quota between the two candidates. Should still get Haughey over the line but not a slam dunk.



Chambers in trouble in Mayo


The Healy Raes should have run another candidate


She’s 6 or 7 months pregnant, hard campaign for her

McHugh not getting much traction.

Labour were solid for years in galway west with Michael twee, now at less than 3%

Dillon getting no love

The tally is done by party operatives looking at the ballots as they’re unfurled from the box and placed into parcels of 50. The count staff do no sorting at this stage. The parcels are then sorted by candidate and then they count each candidates votes. There’s a number of stages of cross checking totals.

Basically the tally is easy, doesn’t have to be exact and is rattled off before a vote has been officially looked at


Dublin South Central could go 4 left.

I’d say O’Snodaigh, Brid Smith, Costello (Green) will get there. Joan Collins could get in on O’Snodaigh’s surplus.

I don’t believe there has ever been a constituency without a FF or FG seat but this could be it.

@Dziekanowski s point in a nutshell. Euro election is a completely different beast.

Would the bar be open?

Byrne is transfer friendly enough I believe, long history of constituency work

Called it last night off the exit poll that Chambers was in trouble.