General Election 2020 Hub

FF are in trouble in Louth. May not even get one. Munster and O’Murchu SF are home and hosed. O’Dowd FG should hang on.

Last two seats between Breathnach FF, Nash LAB, Dearey GREEN and Fitzpatrick IND.

Who’ll get the most 1st preferences nationwide? Doherty seems to have shared his out fairly well

No. Or only as the biggest coalition party. I am deeply disappointed that Mary Lou has already called both Martin and Varadkar. I did not vote for this, I did not work for this and this is not real change.

Anything less than the complete and fundamental re-shaping of the political Civil-War establishment that has existed from the beginning of the State is a failure.

@Dziekanowski, what are the odds of SF ending up with more seats than FG?

I’m trying to count them all out now, my feeling is that FG have steadied a lot and will end up with over 40. Question is whether FG get more than FF.

From what I can see so far FG have managed their vote much better than FF. FF were overly ambitious in places (and probably rightly so). Think FG might be very close to FF for overall seat numbers, which would be some going given where they were. Although as much a reflection on FF as FG

Stanley in on first count

Your some clown,shes putting them in a corner.They will come out of this badly no matter what they do

Trojan, you’re doing, trojan

EOB is a great man


Eoin will make a great minister as will Pearse.


Some KK roaster after saying he wants FF to speak with SF

John McGuinness wants to go into coalition with IRA/SF.

Harris the pissflap

FG have always been good at vote management, I actually think they messed up with candidate selection in some constituencies this time before the election was even called.
I was predicting warfare in FG hq this week but that may not be the case now

John McGuinness said it last week too.

Or Gaybo’s

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I’m declaring this a great day for Ireland, Sinn Fein have a lot of working class canditates who know what’s going on at ground level, hopefully as another poster stated earlier they’ll do something rregading housing/ healthcare etc…

John McGuinness putting it up to his own party. He’s said before that SF shouldn’t be excluded from talks.

First count in Limerick County expected around 3:30pm