General Election 2020 Hub

And rightly so. Democracy is great.

It would be lunacy, SF would run 60+ candidates.

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Mc Dowell the auld bollox!! :smiley:

McDowell looks shellshocked.Lovely

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They’ll all be falling over each other to stay out of power.

There’s a recession on the horizon…

We’re looking at another election lads.

McDowell the very definition of “cough softened” here


That’s just my opinion. It will be difficult but not impossible for SF to end up as the biggest party in the state if they go in with FF or FG as a junior partner. Fidel Castro or Che Guevara would not go into coalition with FF or FG as a junior partner.

Alison with a lovely little jab at him.

Haughey not home and hosed here.

Effectively cuckoled by SF.

Coronavirus has potential to cause a seismic economic shock.

Brexit could hammer agriculture in Ireland short term although medium term we’ll do well from it.

If this is the case, would the candidates elected today/tomorrow be considered as having sat a term in the Dail?

AFAIK you need to have sit for two terms to qualify for the pension?

They can’t sit a term if the Dáil doesn’t form

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It’s interesting to look at how the electorate have progressed in the last three elections.
2010: vengeance. Let’s get these FF cunts out.
2015; FG “keeping the recovery going”. What recovery? ?
2020: the recovery is probably three but people are asking where the country is going and what are it’s priorities.


That’s useful to consider alright

Probably one for the Roaster Thread

The people have spoken. The politicians need to get on with it. Going back again is risky for all of them. Next few weeks will be compelling for political watchers.