General Election 2020 Hub

Simple promises to make ireland great again swallowed whole. Just when the country could have benefitted by looking sane in comparison to brexit.

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Not Too Basic SF Victory Hitlist (with no Wolfe Tones)

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100% For as long as he was leader he had the bullseye of IRA IRA IRA blah blah blah on his back, Mary Lou has a clean slate where accusing her of paramilitary membership is a no go.

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The right wingers are in meltdown today.


What’s the red thing on his lapel

I had a nice chat with Gerry at an Antrim-Wexford hurling league game in Casement Park a good few years back. Antrim beat us easily if I recall correctly. Colm Bonnar was happy with some aspects of the display though.

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Incorrect. SF were always gonna emerge one day. It’s just a decade or so earlier than anticipated

I’m delighted pal! A new dawn for Irish politics.


A mike?

The TFK facists have been sent home with their tae in their mug today

Yeah possibly

Huge SF transfers for Independents. Protest vote.

Indeed, nothing wrong with being a conservative Nationalist, democracy is a thing of beauty. I needed this lift this week.

We did it pal. We did it

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Cc @Bandage


This Malahide cunt

This academic saying SF should demand a rotating Taoiseach rather than being junior partners.

Thomas Byrne distancing himself from Micheál Martin’s view on talking to SF.

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Right wing nutters lashing out all over the place… Calling the electorate every name under the sun.