General Election 2020 Hub

Martin Ward “Jonesy” not going great there for Aontu in Galway

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Any word on that spiteful boot Ruth Coppinger? Is she safe?

With Ross, Zappone & Regina Doherty all in trouble it has already been a terrific election.

Frank Flannery is a cunt. I thought he was a dead cunt but here he is on the television not answering the questions put to him. Why did RTE bother ? He should be at home with his slippers and his cocoa…


Gerry. :smiley:

Gerry Adams rocking a lovely Antrim top here

Adams :laughing:

Full kit. Training top with jarsey underneath.


A lad plucked from UCG to run as a sacrificial lamb polls 7k votes in Galway East. It’s truly an astonishing election. Makes 2011 look a breeze compared to the wind blowing today

Gerry look like an Antrim hurling selector

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Is it not a lady?

He looks like a massive queer

Let’s hope he doesn’t leave any loose sterling around his manager !

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Gerry Gerry Gerry

Louis O’Hara is a man.

Beats me? Name was Louis. That even reinforces my point tbh


I would say Gerry has orchestrated this whole thing. He swallowed his pride and stepped away which is more than what can be said about Martin, Hanafin et al. SF are the ultimate in team players.


It’s the same populism.

Rubber meets the road once SF take power and have to deliver the change. Time will tell.

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Gerry a good GAA man, sporting an Antrim jersey and training top now on RTE.

Don’t be sour. Your lot have had a long enough go at it.