General Election 2020 Hub

Politics is a blood sport

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Fine Gael a victim of their own success.

Casualties I am projecting - warning - most of these are very marginal calls, if they aren’t it is stated:

Jim O’Callaghan FF
Lisa Chambers FF
Regina Doherty FG (looks certain)
Kevin Boxer Moran IND
Joan Burton Lab (certain)
Pat The Cope Gallagher FF
Sean Kyne FG
Stephen Donnelly FF
Malcolm Byrne FF
Shane Cassells FF (likely I think)
John Curran FF
Shane Ross IND (certain)
Katherine Zappone IND (likely but not certain)
Ruth Coppinger SPBP (likely but not certain)
Noel Rock (FG) (likely)
Eugene Murphy (FF) (likely)
Jan O’Sullivan LAB (likely)
Seamus Healy IND (likely)
Bobby Aylward FF

Kevin O’Keeffe FF is a possible casualty although I have him scraping in.

Likely failures to get in that were widely expected to win:
David Healy (Green)
Shay Brennan (FF)
Catherine Ardagh (FF)
Cormac Devlin FF
Charlie O’Connor FF
Mary Fitzpatrick FF
Mark Wall LAB
Niall O’Tuathail Soc Dem

They’ll want to cannibalise them the way the did with the SDLP

Unemployment down to 4.5% and people feel they haven’t benefited.


Shane Ross is the type to gatecrash the very party the rest of the county will be having at his demise

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Micheál Martin goaded Sinn Féin during the campaign for not being willing to govern in Stormont. No allowance for the DUP’s carry on but it’s fair game to be opportunistic in an election. Now he’s probably the main obstacle to a government being formed in the 26. He won’t speak with Sinn Féin and he won’t go into coalition with Fine Gael. He should fall on his shield and resign for the good of the country.


That’s a mistake. If it isn’t I shall resign from the forum for ten full minutes.


He won’t do much harm to himself falling on his shield


People with jobs cant pay their rents and actually buying a house is a pipe dream. Thats the central issue here


It’s the hope that will kill me

Dublin Rathdown and Dun Laoghaire looks like the SoCoDu GAA heartland is the last bulwark against Sinn Fein IRA.

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Sure couldn’t they move out of Dublin and commute into work?

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This is without doubt the most fascinating election of my lifetime. 1992 and 2011 were the two up to now but this knocks them out of the park easily. It’s completely fascinating. Varadkar will actually be thrilled with this, it could save FG as a party in the long term. FF are staring down the barrel. I don’t know where they go from here because in any future election, SF look very well placed to completely blitz them back towards 2011 levels.

Not only has Martin failed in this election, his possible replacements/able TDs could lose their seats - O’Callaghan, Donnelly, Lisa Chambers. That leaves Michael McGrath and Barry Cowen and however badly FF did under Martin, they will bomb with either of those two leading them.

A FG/FF coalition might not even be doable if the results work out as I anticipate. I have no idea what the next government will be.


I was talking to a real old timer earlier who reckoned it was the most significant election since 1918.

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Could SF form a government without FF or FG. MLM suggesting that it’s doable.

I cant believe whats unfolding here. I was thinking about 20% would be a good achievement for SF. FF and FG deserve this.

Not anything stable going by Sid’s figures