General Election 2020 Hub

That’s lard

I don’t see SF going the way of Labour after 1992 and 2011. I actually think the kick in the bollix they get in the Euros and locals will be the making of them. They know what complacency can do to their vote.

It would be fantastic to see it.

The IMF would be here by Christmas.

A great day for Ireland. I’ll be quitting my job to enjoy the fruits of SF’s policies. Here was me thinking I’d have to work into my late 60s to support my family. Working is for mugs.



Nah, it’s too tight on the numbers, FG/FF not guaranteed yet to be under 80, they still could scrape over it, it will be close though.

FG/FF coalition plus confidence and supply with a few independents looks most likely but the question is will either FG or FF blink as regards SF and will SF blink in return.

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Yes. Ten years after FFG had them here.


FF had them here. The Kaiser sent them packing.

Have we fascists here?

Shed need labour plus the greens and a shit load of independents. I cant see ff/fg supporting a sf minority government

Any lad who does not agree with Sinn Fein IRA is a fascist


You are taking this quite badly.


SF are much better at defending themselves than Labour. They have that populist edge and the ability to spin things in their favour that Labour never had. SF’s nationalism means they go down better in rural areas than Labour.

If they were the junior partner in a coalition they could make it work for themselves in the way Labour never could and that’s because they are way better at PR.

Dobson putting it to MLMD that it would represent failure for SF if they’re not in government. Less than a week after RTÉ weren’t even going to include them in a leaders’ debate. :joy:


The seethe is real :joy: :joy:

Thank goodness Paddy Jackson was acquitted. He would have combusted.

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We have one gobshite anyway. That being yourself.

Stop acting like a Brexiteer.

Let’s just get change done.

Labour were decimated for being a junior partner in a coalition, SF will possibly have a stronger hand.

But but but CHANGE

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