General Election 2020 Hub


Donnelly SF 3700 over the quota in Dublin West. That could help Coppinger in a big way. Chambers FF not safe yet despite being just 1900 off a quota because the Greens will also pull transfers. Chambers might hang on but could be close.

3 way battle for two seats there.

Peter Casey did badly there.

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Yeah. And the lad with 24 votes.


SF front bench is miles ahead of FFs especially if FF lose some of their most able TDs as looks likely.

She’s not dead you fucking fool.

This is Dobbo’s Everest. He has been excellent today.

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Martin babbling on the radio now.

Leo and Champ both just a few hundred votes short of the quota after 1st count. Sinn Fein surplus will probably see both over the line.

Miles ahead and will be stark if they are in Government together.

The lad with 24 votes really needs the transfers to fall his way


‘Don’t try to browbeat me’ :smile: :smiling_face

She might just hold on, sadly.

Go away with that :smiley:

Dem grapes be very sour

I’m not sure if the Gods will smile that much

11 votes is your nearest and dearest not voting for you territory


Kate O’Connell looks to be losing her seat.

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Big Jim is 800 ahead of Calpol Kate. Murph needs another 1,500 to get over the line. Jim should just about hold on.

Some independent in Dublin Bay South got 11 (eleven) votes there.