General Election 2020 Hub

That is not done. Eamon Ryan has 900 surplus to distrubute and that could get the ball rolling for the delectable Ms. O’Connell. A lot depends on how far over the quota Chris Andrews gets. O’Connell must hope he lands barely over it.

Renua, PBP, Soc Dem and Labour transfers to come. Soc Dem and Labour have 0.62 of a quota between them.

My feeling is that O’Connell could prove popular for transfers due to her strong pro-choice stance and, ahem, fresh faced demeanour.

Fiona O’Loughlin only a few votes ahead of Wall in Kildare South, she needs the transfers from Suzanne Doyle to be airtight

A seismic day in Irish politics. The glass ceiling has been shattered

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Micheal Martin is the most shameless cunt Irish politics has ever produced, he is fucking herpes. I hope his voters are watching this very closely. I wonder what Eoghan Harris will make of it if brave and moral Micheal Martin goes in with SF. Harris will probably support him. This is victory.


Taking his mutt out for a walk in the dark does not a shadowey figure make.


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This lady for Aontu did unbelievably well really. Nearly 4k votes. Her transfers will be key for final seat here…O shea lagging behind Creed but if this lady transfers geographically it will benefit o shea far more…

Eamon Ryan is absolutely beaming here.

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What do SF actually expect to do in government as a junior coalition partner?


Once he settles in he can get down to the serious business of getting us our wolves

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They wont be a junior partner in the true sense.

They won’t be a junior partner.

Would some of the IRA/SF crew post up a few of their headline policies. Might as well get up to speed on what the next 4-5 years have in store. What are they proposing on tax?

The wolf will be at the door soon under the hard left SFF government.

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Reporter on radio reckoned Murphy could be in big trouble for transfers based on the votes they’d seen.

Possible but fairly unlikely. Both Jim and Kate would need to get past him and he’s got a decent gap


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Mairéad has arrived at the count centre and gives the people of Galway a resounfin thumbs up

Buff would in all seriousness get elected in Kerry, another Ming, Mick Wallace type.