General Election 2020 Hub

So has Kate



Introduce a 5% high income levy on individual incomes above €140,000
Extra annual tax revenue expectation: €452 million

Taper out tax credits on individual incomes over €100,000 to €140,000
€260 million

Introduce a wealth tax on the portion of net wealth held over €1 million with a number of exemptions including farms
€89 million

Increase Capital Acquisition Tax by 3% to rate of 36%
€45 million

Reduce the pensions earnings limit and the Standard Fund Threshold to €1.2 million
€494 million

Introduce a 15.75% rate of employer’s PRSI on portion of salaries over €100,000
€532 million

Tax intangible assets onshored by multinationals
€722 million

Increase Stamp Duty on commercial property to 12.5%
€440 million

Abolish the Special Assignee Relief Programme
€23 million

End the corporation tax break for the banks
€175 million

Increase income from the annual bank levy
€50 million

Increase the Dividend Withholding Tax on REITs and IREFs to 33%
€20 million

Increase the Vacant Site Levy to 15%
€107 million

Introduce a 2nd home charge at a rate of €400
€104 million

Scrap Help-to-Buy scheme
€102 million


Abolish USC on the first €30,000 earned
Annual tax cost expectation: €1,219 million

Abolish Local Property Tax
€485 million

Increase Earned Income Credit to €1,650
€35 million

1 month rent relief
€301 million
(“A three-year refundable tax credit for existing and new tenancies that would put a month’s rent back in every renter’s pocket”)

Retain mortgage interest relief
€35 million

Restore tax credit for trade union membership
€40 million

End motor tax surcharge for quarterly and 6-month payments
€43 million

Abolish 3% stamp duty on non-life insurance policies
€160 million

Abolish 2% levy on non-life insurance policies ~
€69 million

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Mythen marginally improves his local election showing by 18,000 votes.


Miriam just pronounced the acronym I4C (Independents for change) as FourteenC


He’s “pro-troops”. :smile:

Think Malcolm Byrne might hang on in Wexford. And move immediately to #1 in the FF talent rankings.


Some very good proposals there.

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I’m trying to think where Big Jim will get the transfers from. To be honest, I think the only transfers he’ll get will be left-wingers who are just trying to screw Eoghan Murphy. He needs to win big off Eamon Ryan and Chris Andrews.

A person on 100k already pays 12 times more income tax than a person on 25k.

They will now need to pay more which is fair.

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Hard to argue with most of them


Colonel Chambers seemingly under pressure in Mayo.


Michael Ring is an unmerciful stones of a man


I’d sign up for that.

“I hope SF are prepared to go into government” says FG gobshite Michael Ring.

Your party has just spent the last month saying they’d NEVER go into government with them.

Michael Ring is some eejit

I have worked tirelessly for over 15 years to make this day possible.

Miriam needed to shut him up sooner

It’s shaping up to be some fall from grace for Big Jim. He looked all set for a seat at the cabinet table. Now he could well be crawling back to the Law Library with his tail between his legs to pull in a million or so a year at the Inner Bar.

Hospital consultants will flock to Ireland.