General Election 2020 Hub

Alright, you’ve convinced me Art - renowned FG hangout and bastion of centre-right politics RTE is either protecting the government or has had its arm twisted by shadowy figures in government.

I wouldn’t stop at me though - if I were you I’d get a megaphone and go out into the street and let everyone know what you have discovered. It’s your civic duty

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So something inbetween would be great. #voteff

A lot done, a lot more to do.

Heady days

clam down lad, go back and watch the made marian all over again on the RTE player

Out of interest, who is your First preference likely to go to in this election? You seem very engaged by it so no doubt you have strong views as to where your vote will go.

RBB, and you?

I’ll go FG first but haven’t decided on transfers, which I think will be prob the big factor in this election. Registered in Dublin South or whatever it’s called now so hopefully Shane Ross gets the flick.

Fine Gael in a nut shell

Homeless man in serious condition after tent removed during clean-up in Dublin

on transfers, I’ll have ossian first and havent decided between MMOC and hanafin as to who will finish at the end of my vote.

shatter may well run in your constituency, would you give shatsie a vote?

The most first preference votes thing is slightly misrepresentative when you consider the different populations in the different constituencies.

Highest proportion of first preference votes won is more reflective of the popularity of each politician.

aside from all the verbatim and bluster above what do folk on here want from the next party/colaition in power?
For me it would be some restructuring of the taxation system with a review of USC and then either to incentive working from home in the form of a tax benifit in the event childcare costs cannot be reduced.
My major issue at the moment is the cost of supporting a young family- the majority of that cost is childcare related or lost salary due to takiing parental leave to look after the kids during holidays.

im totally honest and upfront here in saying that the homeless situation does not impact me as i have a house, we have private health insurance that we pay for so in that regard i dont spend too much time worrying about the health service ( just have to suck up the PRSI and health insurance costs) , im not too bothered about climate change and i couldnt give a fuck about scum shooting each other in coolock, brexit, rents in D4 or northern politics
now - i would assume here this is common to most of the forum
based on the above - the current administration are doing ok, there is plenty of work, the education system is decent, i liked the mortgage FTB scheme and we live in a very safe friendly community… its just costing me a fortune to live here.
now will any other party actually help me there with trying to reduce cost of living and my concerns? probably not i would imagine…


You sound like a typical Fine Gael voter and the type of person Fine Gael and Varadkar solely aim to cater for, if you’re not a safe vote for them they must be fucked.

ill vote for whoever can benifit me and my family - im assuming i am not alone here?
if FG are the best option then so be it - these people are paid to serve the people, be it varadkaar, michael martin or whoever else- it dosent bother me -

cut the wumming here for a second
are you telling me when you vote you consider what other people want over who you deem to be the best candidate to benifit you and your family ( and i dont know what stage of life you are at be it living with parents, divorced or what not …) ?

does any lad who owns a house care about fellas homeless? come on they do in their fuck
rents ? ditto

we vote solely with our own self interest at heart and we all know that


Surprise , surprise - a FF lackey. The most gutless, two faced, corrupt party on the Island … If the shoe fits and all that.

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Yes. I’m pretty lucky in that I have a good job and accommodation. I’m grand and I don’t want anything else off the government. Perhaps that will change when I’m married and have children but I reckon not. Childcare costs in Ireland is an issue I think is important already but not because it’s personal to me. Inequality, housing and homelessness and the health system are the biggest issues for me and I wouldn’t mind paying a bit more tax to have proper public services and fewer people living in misery.

No - Shatter is a has-been.

I think Neale Richmond is running in Dublin South and I’ll prob give him a first pref. I’ve met him and he’s a decent sort and has done excellent work on Brexit.

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