General Election 2020 Hub


A Collins of Cunts???




First Count Result from Limerick County

Total electorate 72,165

Total poll l 46,499

Spoiled votes 409

Total valid poll 46,0190

Quota 11,523

Michael Collins FF 5,150

Niall Collins FF 8,436

Con Cremin Ind 373

John Dalton Renua 313

Clarie Keating, Green Party 2, 503

Tom Neville, Fine Gael 5,810

Cristín Ní Mhaoldhomhnaigh, National Party 224

Séighin O’Ceallaigh, Sinn Fein 6,916

Robert O’Donnell, Independent 402

Conor O’Donoghue, Aontú 714

Richard O’Donoghue, Independent 6,021

Patrick O’Donovan, Fine Gael 9,228

No candidate elected. The following candidates to be eliminated:j Cristin Ni Ma John Dalton, Con Cremin, Robert O’Donnell, Conor O’Donoghue .

Farrell, Grealish & Dev Óg all nailed-on so?

Be some battle for the last two.

Jackie is sound, ran a good eating house.

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Looks like it. Hilda should get in off the back of Kyne too. Connolly likely to pick up a lot of transfers too, I’d say thats your 5

Limerick City count now.

He’s calling @Rocko and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy out here. Surely they can’t let this view go unchallenged


A very interesting race. I think Richmond will get in - there seems to be a generally positive reaction to him even among non FG supporters.

Madigan is a bit like Marmite, you either like her or dislike her, and I suspect she won’t transfer particularly well. Shatter was chased down from a seemingly hopeless position by Catherine Martin last time. NicCormaic SF’s position is less hopeless on the numbers, but she’ll have a job staying ahead of Brennan FF.

This is how we are at the moment. Labour and Ross transfers are key. I suspect Brennan might nudge ahead of NicCormaic. Then NicCormaic’s transfers could elect Brennan. But all up in the air, Ross’s transfers could go anywhere and Labour could transfer better than expected to SF.


@Dziekanowski, analyst on Newstalk says Bobbt Aylward certain to lose seat

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Quinlivan elected.


That will be an awful blow to @Malarkey


Fionnan Sheahan looks absolutely shellshocked here.

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Will be tight for the third seat; I wonder will O’Ceallaigh or O’Donoghue transfer better from the Greens?

Ye’re lad will surely get squeezed out on transfers?

Greens to SF looks a more natural fit, national and global issues v pork barrel.

O’Donoghue will probably get in off the transfers of Tom Neville and Michael Collins though.

Leo mortified here