General Election 2020 Hub

A great day to be an environmental republican


Willie was on the radio there; he’s an absolute pain. Just a dose.

Gould from Cork was on too, came across as a bit of an eejit too tbh. Yer man O’Laoghaire spoke a lot better than him.

Our lives work has culminated in today


@chops91 Is going to single handedly drag Frankie Daly over the line in Limerick city.

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Sean Crowe has polled almost 9k over the quota in Dublin South West.

Brophy of FG will be elected.

Lahart of FF will likely get in on FF transfers but not 100% certain.

Duffy of the Greens should have enough on transfers.

Last seat looks between Paul Murphy, Katherine Zappone and possibly as an outside shot, Ciaran Ahern of Labour who has polled reasonably well - Ahern might well get ahead of Zappone and challenge in the run off. But Murphy looks likeliest to get the final seat.

Katherine Zappone is a Seahawks fan, I hope she comes a cropper.

The Kilteely clique

No wonder he didnt want Ryan running too

Fuck Harris / Martin/ Coveney and co nothing but shape shifter’s

Galway West First count
Total poll 60764
Invalid 423
Valid 60341
Quota 10057

Conor Burke 495
C Connolly 5439
C Corcoron 1058
O Crowe 5175
Mike Cubbard 2676
O Cuiv 8522
M Farrell 8464
Dara o Fruitcake 218
Racists Grealish 8043
Sean Kyne 5284
Joe Loghnane 437
N MacNeillas 1548
Hildagaared 5609
P O Reily 3650
N O Tuthail 3623

His mother’s people

@Dziekanowski how do you see Dub Rathdown going. SF up to fourth after the PBP vote distribution but still 900 off behind Madigan and FF a little further back.

7,000 odd votes from Labour and Ross to be distributed - who knows where they go?

Sarah Carey is seething on radio one. Populist republican rubbish which won’t last.

There is still a market for Labour style politics in this country. Labour will probably get 5/6. Soc Dems should get 5. Throw in the Greens and you’re up to around 20. For Labour and the Soc Dems it was about candidates. For the Greens it was about worldview. In terms of the broad non-SF left, it’s obvious. The message is not the problem. Get the candidates right, and the votes will follow. Ireland is becoming a progressive left country.

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To be honest Fagan even Sinn Fein were blindsided .

“All changed, changed utterly:”

W B Yeats

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Another victory for the left. What a day to be an unselfish cunt.


Suggests they might not have voted for SF to go straight in with the idiotic half of the government they supposedly despised