General Election 2020 Hub

Who was the SF Chris on RTE just there? He spoke very well.

Cheers mate

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I’d always disliked Noel Rock but I think he’s handled his beating well today.



respect his gumption

Yeah, Neville seems like a grand fella but I would say that O’Donovan is undoubtedly more competent as a politician even if he wouldn’t be my cup of tea.

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If they sort health, I’ll finally give them a vote

Mary Harney isn’t liked by many. She was actually a very capable politician. Got shit done and worked very hard. She wanted Health. She believed she could be the one who could fix it, and that was her downfall. The thing is a mess. FF were happy to let her take the fall for it and make her one of the most disliked politician in Ireland.

If the system needs more consultants, which it does, and it’s already struggling to entice them home, which it is - I’m not sure the SF manifesto will be an attractive change

O donovan is very capable but not a fella you’d be rushing for pints with.

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Hazard no relation of the soccer player. He’s the mp for down I think.

For his flaws O’Donovan is a super worker. He was the only one of the 3 TD’s to help with our sports capital grant application, the other 2 didn’t lift a finger to assist us.

Love it

I’ve been in and out lads, has limerick city’s count been announced yet?

People have just got fed up with all the other options and have turned to Sinn Fein as a last resort. I don’t believe many are voting for their policies. I believe most wouldn’t have a clue of their policies.

For a junior minister in government he brought zero to Newcastlewest in terms of jobs etc.

A nice fella id say, but he’s lightweight even in FG.

He’s the sort of lad that would get you a hiding on a night out.


O’Donovan bought his way back into office with sports grants. And fair fucks to him

Chris Hazzard is some operator.

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For every club in the county bar us :joy:

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Maurice got in on the first count. Willie 30 odd short of the quota.

O’Donnell in third and the last seat is in the lap of the transfer Gods.