How could you take this stuttering cunt seriously?
Grasping at straws
Johnny Mythen said that there was a voting pact between SF and the SOL-PBP. I presume this was nationwide.
Id love to hear him try and pronounce it
SF transfers going even further left than I’d have a guessed. It’s a revolution and it’s being televised
Pascal looks and sounds like he’s after a few pints.
Cunts like paschal live on a different planet to normal people. Pure denial here.
Leo coming up on VM
No reflection at all
Louis O’Hara loses by 124 votes.
A great bit of stuff. Look wee bit nervous setting off
Serious showing in fairness
Good to see JCMN going well.
Everything I saw online prompted transfer to the left.
You know, my Marxist-Feminist foils, all practically giving tutorials on how to vote, how to vote for Mary Lou and then to transfer to the left.
All the Together For Yes crews
Devlin could edge out MMOC in Dun Laoighaire. MMOC is just 142 votes ahead. SF transfers of 6k to be distributed, then surplus of Boyd Barrett. Carroll MacNeill might have a small surplus to help MMOC, plus there is also the princely suplus of 51 from Ossian Smyth to distribute.
Christy Burke to get in
“Hard to get a third term in a row” is the FG line it seems