General Election 2020 Hub

I’ve been flicking between 3 stations so only stumbled upon her now.

Jan O Sullivan another auld one in their ranks, around the 70

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Regina Doherty reportedly left the count centre before the first count was announced.

They couldn’t even stand one in Kerry. They need to have a long hard look at themselves

Jaysus this SocDem director of elections voice would cut right through you. She looks like The Count off sesame street.

Dick Spring still younger than some of their current candidates

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Browne is still over 3,000 shy of a quota. He’ll take a lot of Sheehan transfers to get him over the line and Verona will pick up a few.

Reckon Verona will do it. Malcolm looks goosed and a question them of which FG candidate picks up last seat.


Is there much left tonight? I’ve two bottles left in fridge I might crack into them

Posted it 6 hours ago, pal

Kehoe and Darcy the 2 most likely to lose out

Final % share of the vote:
SF - 24.5%
FF - 22.2%
FG - 20.9%

1k votes between Kate O’Connell and Jim O’Callaghan, she needs to make that up on the distribution of Labour’s 5k votes. I’d say she’s dust.

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It’s not looking good for Fine Gael in Waterford. Casey for the Greens has surged up the field on Cullinane surplus and there’s about 8,000 votes there off Una Dunphy and John Pratt which Casey should do well off.

I’m hearing ROD is ahead by 9 votes.

Patrick O Donovan’s surplus to be distributed now.

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Nice one @TheUlteriorMotive

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O Cuiv with a few home truths here for MM and FF

Should go more to ROD geographically

Wasn’t really following this. Did Jim O’Callaghan benefit from SF transfers?

Never mind

Her problem is that Andrews and Murphy aren’t yet near the quota and are eating up transfers that could go to her. Murphy probably won’t even reach the quota. But I would expect LAB, SD and PBP transfers which are remiaing to favour her more than O’Callaghan, but will it be enough, doubtful.