General Election 2020 Hub

Go team ROD

Yep, this is it

There are a few lazy constituencies taking a break for the night.

You’d think they’d power out the last few Sunday hours for the double time

PBP and SD transfers in Dublin Bay South have been distributed. O’Callaghan has actually increased his lead over O’Connell to over a thousand with just the 5k odd of Kevin Humpheys to come.

Goodbye fair Kate, we hardly knew ya.

The last Irish Times Opinion poll

Will depend on elimination order, ie Kehoe going out will probably give enough transfers to Darcy. And that’s dependent on the last seat being still up for grabs at that stage. Green party one eliminated now was Gorey based so transfers might stay north this time around

English beats Cassells by the Boyne.

John sounds very needy


“We all know what to do, we just don’t know how to get re-elected after we’ve done it”

Jean Claude Juncker

The Limerick folk here said Frankie Daly was FF gene pool? Dobbo saying he’s Labour gene pool.

Ah that absolute cunt of every year Shane Ross is home with his tae in a mug.


Possibly Ros too tbh

If Wadding goes next it would be another Gorey surge too.

His goose is cooked.

I’m away to bed happy

His uncle was a TD for FF for a short period (Eddie Wade).

Second count in Limerick City.
Daly 4022
Leddin 3538

Just happened. Howlin got the big surge there. Waddings transfers should get him in on this last count tonight

Kehoes total missing off that update