General Election 2020 Hub

That’s a 100% increase in what you usually do. You are on here 24/7

I’m bemused by it, as opposed to being upset.

Pipe down now and take your medicine, you snide blueshirt cunt.


It would be a scandal if she didn’t. She is from every inch of that great county

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They are counting until 12.00 in Galway West, still no one actually elected. The klan party in Oughterard might have to wait a night

Very likely. She’s transferring well and is of course local and vocal

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Ya it’ll seriously reduce my TFK productivity


SF IRA will be seething when lads take a step back rather than pay 60 per cent tax.

A follow up to the above… Very interesting stat that backs up my point. We need rid of all these old bastards.


Burning crosses don’t have the same effect in the daytime.

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He ran off in a huff after his stance on repeal was defeated in an open members’ vote at the Ard Fheis yet spent last week echoing Micheál Martin’s trope about unknown shadowy figures dictating SF policy away from the spotlight. Did he forget being at the Ard Fheis?

Don’t you have to get up early for work in the morning?

“X” needs its local TD.

Lots of issues with ineligible transfers needing to be checked I’d say

No one will sleep tonight…this has been a truly historic day.

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I’m WFH in the morning. I almost always do on Mondays. It’s changed my life - a gamechanger.

I’ll get up, go for a run, have breakfast with kids, then work away listening to Radio 1 til noon and head in around then.

22 constituencies still counting and the work-shy Kerry cunts headed home after taking a day to churn out 1 count.

I had a sentence typed out that she would give North Korea its first ever TD in Wexford but decided to delete it.

How many seats have Sinn Fein in play?

I 100% support reunification but I don’t think we are ready for a poll. Actually we are ready it’s the orange bastards up North that ain’t ready. Give them a few years under Boris and the new nationalism pervading in England. Then they might be softened up.