General Election 2020 Hub

37 or 38 I think

Wynne looks like she will get in in Clare. Between Timmy Dooley and FG for the last seat

Hon ROD @Copper_pipe

Jesus that blueshirt in Limerick is some mutant


O’Donovan gone pure simpleton :joy:

The absolute state of that gimp being elected in Limerick.


Horrible cunt O’Donovan.

O Donnovan is an embarrassment. Christ

Has anybody prepared a plan on how reunification would work - not just the economics but the mechanics of how it would happen across education, health, social welfare, legal system - would need a transition period and need unionist co-operation

Patrick O’Donovan seems a complete spastic

As usual, County Limerick shaming us.

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You’re upset. You don’t know what contrarian position you’ll take now that SF have gone mainstream. I get that.

Have you considered FG? If we’re snide cunts you may slip into it easier than you’d imagine

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I’ll take this one.



O Donovan went full Alan Kelly there.

We’re up 8 votes with a surplus of 4029 to be distributed.

I think we are going to do it.

Cc @dodgy_keeper


Galway West 6th Count: O’Reilly eliminated

Stephen Corrigan


10 mins ago


February 9, 2020


Stephen Corrigan

Sinn Féin’s Mairéad Farrell looks likely to be the first candidate elected in Galway West – with the redistribution of Independent candidate Cllr Mike Cubbard’s vote seeing Farrell overtake Éamon Ó Cuív and leaving her just 424 votes shy of the 10,057 quota.
Cubbard’s votes have also sprung Noel Grealish (Ind) into second place on 9,633 votes, ahead of Ó Cuív’s 9,017.
Independent TD Catherine Connolly remains in line to take the fourth seat in this five-seater – taking 633 transfers from Cubbard.
Green Party candidate Cllr Pauline O’Reilly has now been eliminated and her 4,230 votes are to be redistributed.

Seats: 5
Electorate: 104,825
Total Poll: 60,764
Spoiled: 423
Total valid poll: 60,341
Quota: 10,057

Transfer of Cubbard’s 2,097 votes

Cuív, Éamon Ó (FF): +124 (9,017)
Farrell, Mairéad (SF): +729 (9,633)
Grealish, Noel (Ind): +552 (9,168)
Connolly, Catherine (Ind): +633 (6,661)
Naughton, Hildegarde (FG): +142 (6,027)
Kyne, Seán (FG): +82 (5,559)
Crowe, Ollie (FF): +171 (5,555)
Ó Tuathail, Niall (Soc Dem): +256 (4,313)
O’Reilly, Pauline (Green): +132 (4,230) ELIMINATED
O’Reilly’s 4,230 votes to be redistributed
Non-transferable: 86

Transfer of McNelis 1,593 votes

Cuív, Éamon Ó (FF): +68 (8,893)
Farrell, Mairéad (SF): +90 (8,904)
Grealish, Noel (Ind): +75 (8,616)
Connolly, Catherine (Ind): +253 (6,028)
Naughton, Hildegarde (FG): +218 (5,885)
Kyne, Seán (FG): +132 (5,477)
Crowe, Ollie (FF): +74 (5,384)
O’Reilly, Pauline (Green): +287 (4,098)
Ó Tuathail, Niall (Soc Dem): +264 (4,057)
Cubbard, Mike (Ind): +105 (2,097) ELIMINATED
Cubbard’s 2,097 votes to be distributed

what’s RODs background?

Surely they’ll favour ye. How much have you coming to you if he comes in :moneybag: