General Election 2020 Hub

The returning officer in Carlow-Kilkenny :heart_eyes:


That’s the way forward I would think. Martin falls on his sword and what’s left goes into coalition with SF

I love when they throw a big sweaty roaster up on their shoulder after he gets elected. The YEEHAWWs going ninety.

FF and FG should go back in again , give it one more go . Change it up a bit ,

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That poll topping graph must make sober reading for any idiot who things this election isn’t for real

Noonan needs to make up 1329 on Aylward off Wallace PBP’s transfers. Doable but not certain.

@dodgy_keeper coming up here

Aylward is one useless fucker who doesn’t do enough for Kilkenny.

Link Walsh will be devo if he loses.

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What we’ve learned so far
The days of a FF majority are gone forever
SF are here to stay
FG don’t want to govern
Labor are pointless
SDs are nice but also somewhat pointless
Greens are hanging around
PBP had their peak and are done
The rest are a joke

ROD is elected!!


Fair play @Copper_pipe @dodgy_keeper didn’t think ye had much chance

In ROD we trust

Galway West has called it a night with no one elected

If it’s FF/FG this time, next time it’ll be SF/Green/Lab/Soc Dem.

FF wouldn’t let him run in 2016 so he left.

He got his revenge today.



Is Limerick county the most roaster-ish constituency in Ireland?

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That you with the frosted tips videoing ROD @Copper_pipe?

Negative. I am not at the count :sleepy: