General Election 2020 Hub

Its the swan neck, grace and elegance in abundance without even trying

She’s actually the head off a bird I was chancing once upon a time. Never got the ride off her though :cry: She was all over me one night a while after when she heard I’d a missus.

Big Mayo count, this is what it’s all about.

That’s interesting because I had a similar experience with a lookalike. A girl of Limerick FF stock.

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WTF is the fella behind him doing?

Dillon gets ahead of Mulherin. Mna na hEireann have failed.

Chambers got a huge bump from Saoirse McHugh there.

Is Pee Plynn in the centre ???

That’s Chambers fucked.

A great day for rural Ireland.

A great day for Team G/B.

I won’t be sober for a week.


So long Michelle Mulherin

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Alan Dillon has it in the bag.

So long Lisa Chambers

At least Mulherin didn’t get in but I’ll be sad to see the lovely Lisa Chambers go

Seamus Toomey will sell some liqour this week. :sunglasses:

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Michelle can fuck off to Kenya for good now

Jack Chambers will take over as FF Brexit spokesperson.

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I assume Lisa chambers will be elected / nominated to the Seanad ??

She’s a big favourite of Champ. She’s very lightweight though.

Thanks for showing me this, I think I might buy this one:

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