General Election 2020 Hub

RTE panel almost in tears signing out there

Ok lads, it’s been magical, I’m going to bed.

When we make up tomorrow, it will be in a socialist country.

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Coverage finished and the counts aren’t? Booooooo

It will in its hole . SF will kow tow to capital as good as any of them ,

Did Dobbo do a 16 hour day on live television there?

Where are they still counting?

He’ll have to get used to it under SF


Dobbo said there’s a few still going on in his sign off

He’ll be working 16 hours a week once SF get in you mean

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Dobbo - what a pro.

I’m delighted he’s finally won something.

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z[quote=“the_man_himself, post:9059, topic:29733, full:true”]
Did Dobbo do a 16 hour day on live television there?

I don’t know about Dobbo but a fair few here did . The INTERNET is a serious business .

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One of the few in RTÉ worth their wage


Sean Sherlock has pulled one out of the bag for Labour in Cork East, has surged in transfers on the last two counts. With one more eliminated candidate still to distribute, Linehan Foley IND (5986), Sherlock is on 9894, ahead of Stanton FG on 9576. They look good for seats 2 and 3.

Kevin O’Keeffe FF on 8786 will likely hold off James Rabbit O’Connor FF on 8093 for the final seat.

1 SF 1 LAB 1 FG 1 FF.

No. Mary Lou will introduce a policy where RTE staff will actually have to work retrospectively for all the money they’ve been stealing off the country for the past 50 years

Louth is an absolute doozy. Is Ged going to get in, @Juhniallio?

O’Dowd FG and Breathnach FF both have lower order candidates who will probably push them over the line. Nash needs to stay ahead of Dearey (Green) - he’s 636 ahead at the moment - and use Dearey’s transfers to beat squeaky voiced former Louuuud maanager Peter Fitzpatrick in a run off.

All changed, changed utterly. Good night lads. We’ll wake up in a changed country, maybe not in reality but we’ve changed our direction in theory

Good night all (well to anyone that is still following)

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We rest tonight with Micheal D in the Park and Sinn Fein about to take the reins of power in Dail Eireann. Also as of yet we have no elected repersentative in Galway City. The country has never had it so good. Peace all