General Election 2020 Hub

Noel Grealish elected for a 5th consecutive election and as he has just pointed out, his share of the vote has increased every time.

Led by two honourable and capable politicians. A rarity

They’d want to get some better candidates all the same

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Really? What’s the numbers?

Correct. He’s a cousin of Joe.

If he’d run as an independent he’d probably be in by now. He’s the most un-FF person you could ever meet. A genuine alright sort.

Noel Grealish is the kind of cunt that refers to himself in the third person

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Have to agree, all promises nothing delivered only problem FF got elected here too.

Mickey Mac is definitely getting a seat, and the IRA/SF lady looks like she will too even if she is not proving overly transfer friendly. Cathal Crowe is going to take the first FF seat. The only way Timmy holds on is if FG mess up the transfer. Carey has 6,500 with Breen on 6k. Timmy is on 8k, the key for him will be where he’s on after President Trump’s lady transfers. Working on the basis that over half of the FG vote will stay with FG, Carey might expect to be on 10k. Timmy will presumably pick up a few hundred of them as well but likewise Carey will get some of Rita’s. Róisín Garvey has over 6,600 and I’d have no idea how they’d divide. Overall I wouldn’t fancy Timmy’s chances, that was my reading of it last night and it’s still my view now.

Sinn Féin should be negotiating a rotating Taoiseach with FF and trying to get their people in key ministries (Eoin O’Broin in housing, Pearse Doherty in Finance and Dessie Ellis in Defence, for example). FF have zero policies and no capable front bench candidates and their whole existence has been based upon being in power for the sake of it. They will probably be happy to go with that, just to be inside the tent like.

As I said already. MM has one chance to be Taoiseach and this it. I think SF should be able to get what they want off him.

cc @gilgamboa

That’s just outstanding banter

Patricia Ryan should be a shoo-in for Minister for Tourism.


you forgot the cushy quango number as well

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What will happen in tipp? Looks like 5 in the running with 11k for 4 seats

Champ got a lot of poor quality candidates elected in 2016 and that’s a bit of a problem now as their personnel is very weak. Could be an issue for IRA/SF for the next election as they do seem to be electing a lot of weak enough looking candidates. They do have a core though of 5 or 6 capable and articulate operators in the likes of Mary Lou, Doherty, O’Broin, Cullinane and O’Reilly and you’d nearly get away with that in a cabinet. FF have about 2 that cut the mustard.

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On the right thread this time

Very interesting to see who gets what if SF and FF go into government. They’re almost equal so the standard sharing out wouldn’t really work. Whoever gets taoiseach surely the other side gets finance, the most powerful ministry? Does tánaiste stay in foreign affairs, SF surely can’t get foreign affairs, or justice, probably wouldn’t want them either. Surely a strong push for Martin to be taoiseach and Doherty to get finance, what would that leave Mary Lou with?

Zzz zzz. You are like a broken record.