General Election 2020 Hub

You would be mad to renew car insurance now.

That’s seems a disappointing return for a chap who polled really well in Euro election. He also came across as a good speaker in any media interviews I saw.

They can’t. SF wouldn’t have enough.

This is also Martins only chance to be Taoiseach. He won’t be around for the next election if he doesn’t go in this time.

Malcolm has an outside chance on geography if its D’Arcy out first but just don’t see it. How would you even go about predicting what way Ger Carty will break between Kehoe and D’Arcy? Kehoe is close geographically in Bree, but still a long way from Rosslare.

Can someone give me a likely total for green seats please?

Rumours that Dooley has off the record admitted that he is not going to retain his seat.

I reckon FG will end up with nothing in Wexford now.

10 or 11


That’s a dangerous game to play.

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I think Donnelly will just hold on and Matthews will get in for the Greens.

MM will be fairly scratching around for a front bench at this stage.

12 is on.

Mick wants taxpayers money spent locally as opposed to handing it over to wealthy foreigners. The new Muldoons are those who vote FG.

Kehoe had the whole south of the county to himself with only 2 FG candidates so hard to know how hard he canvassed there. I’ll go back on Byrne being goosed as he still has a chance.

The SF candidate in Kildare South has returned from holiday to be elected to the holiday camp of the Dail.


The Leddin name has strong Labour links. Brians cousin was a Labour mayor of Limerick. The Leddins would change party like @anon61878697 changes county

The election is over now kid, ye are not on the opposition benches anymore. Get on with Governing and lets see if ye can back up the big talk.


Malcolm is an alright sort and has dedicated years of his life to public service. He’s done Gorey Town Council, Wexford County Council, the lot. Party politics aside I hope he makes it.


Mairéid Farrell with the salient truth there. Local election are about the enviroment, General elections are about economics