General Election 2020 Hub

Nope 2 SF, Gino and one Fg

Around 700 odd votes between the five candidates in Clare now!!!

Free gaffs & free hash for everyone


Where will the Green vote go there?

All the votes in Clare are odd. Waheey

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Be Jaysus!

Fuck knows. looks like Carey got a lot of transfers and should be safe. Looks like it could be between Timmy and Wynne now for the last seat

Because they didn’t go with what you want - someone who’s not going to vote for FG anyway.



@tallback how do you set alerts like that?


Cheerio D’arcy.

Sour grapes.

Good riddance. An awful annoyance of a man

Where SF have failed to top Polls they have been left hanging as they haven’t transferred well at all.
Candidates who did get through without massive 1st preferences have just about crossed the line like the Girl in Galway and looks like Browne in Tipp for a finish will be okay.
He has transferred terribly from Count 1 out to Count 6.

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Crowe Cathal (FF)10659
Wynne Violet-Anne (SF)10291
McNamara Michael (IND)10113
Carey Joe (FG) 10193
Dooley Timmy (FF) 9943

7000 green votes to decide it. Almost impossible to call but would be surprised f Timmy can make up 350 votes on Wynne with Crowe taking a good share of the FF transfers. Carey as the only FG left will just about edge Timmy out you would think but who knows

For the count results - RTE tracker here for each count that arrives in. A good way to get the TFK scoop and some cheap likes

Cathal Crowe was knocking around college the same time as myself. A harmless chap.

Be great if Kehoe lost out to Byrne.

His stand against the RIC has gotten him elected.

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Apologies, I meant for thread content?

You seem to have some sort of alert set whereby if someone mentions anything negative about Eoghan Murphy you get notified and can rush to his defense within minutes.


Count three done in Kerry, they are going to make a week of it.

Boring enough anyway, with only which FFer will get in to be decided. Green one more or less out of contention now, didn’t get anywhere near enough transfers from the smaller candidates.