General Election 2020 Hub

Could you point to some of that research. It sounds made up to me but it’s an interesting theory. If true though I’m going to have to find a young gay coloured woman from the flats to bring to the bookies with me to improve my decision making and outcomes and bank balance.

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That’ll teach them for leaving us with full employment


Looks fairly predictable. Garret Ahern is just too far back in 6th. He’s 1,300 votes behind the IRA/SF candidate in 5th. He’s Clonmel bases like Healy, so will make some inroads but with Healy’s votes to be divvied up five ways, he’s not going to close that gap.

We’re only happy when we’re miserable.

SF get number 34 in Roscommon Galway. Two Ind and one SF. No FF or FG elected in a rural constituency. Although Naughton is FG basically.

Browne who was obviously getting nervous as transfers were poor from those gone already will now get the surplus required off Healy.
Ahearn could get another bounce from Healy but it’s a long shot for him, while McGrath & Kelly should also get on okay from transfers.

Can’t see Cahill getting too much so I hope the gormless cunt is squirming.

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He wont catch Browne as Healy will tfr well to him but outside chance he catches Cahill who is a transfer repellent. I’d give Ahern a 5-1 chance of a seat.

Fine Gaels vote has declined from 621k in 1982 to sub 500k in this election.

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I’m surprised she even got 8.

Dub Mid-West finished counting and Gino Kenny has gotten back in.

2 SF/ 1 PBP / 1 FG

No seat for FF, John Curran.

FF have had an appalling election in Dublin.


A presentation from Accenture that was given to us in work. It was impressive. I’ve read a few other things that correlate. I’m not going to go googling stuff for you, I’m sure you can find it. Prof Luke O’Neill in trinity (one of the most important/innovative scientists in the world according to some measure or other, wrote humanology) says he chooses PhD candidates on the same bases, diversity and different types of thinking improves innovation and decision making. There’s a lot of people of the view that if there was more diversity in the boards of places like Lehman brothers the 2008 financial crisis may not have happened, of course that’s very speculative.

Yeah but that was a high watermark for them. What was their vote in 2002?

So was I. She’s the polar opposite of Aontu.

Gino makes it!!! Two SF & a Gino in one constituency.

FF may as well save their money and not put any one up in Dublin at this rate.

I thought Gino was conceding yesterday.

That’s a strong argument for a grand coalition of FF/SF/FG

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John Curran FF has been elected in that constituency no?


He was. He got transfers from all over

I thought i was seeing things.