General Election 2020 Hub

Less than 50% of those on welfare are receiving a pension.

Japan has the correct model. If you lose your job you get unemployment that pays 50-80% of your prior salary for six months. If you can’t find work after six months the government assign you a job or you lose your benefit.


This please

I don’t know this fella at all in real life but he appears to be an incredible attention seeker,

Jesus he thinks Gemma O’Doherty is a hero :joy: he really is fucking nuts

He made it up. It’s almost 3%, 60% of the total unemployment rate which is 4.8%.

The Japanese are a load of weirdos in a country that’s slowly crumbling. We shouldn’t follow any model of anything those chaps are up to

@Rocko can you strip out the last few hundred posts to a separate, capitalist nonsense vs socialist pipe dreams thread.

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What’s the long term unemployment rate in the US where they have little to no social protection?


We also have second highest minimum wage in EU

That’s because the US unemployment rate only counts those who are actively looking for work.
The labour force participation rate has fallen to its lowest level since 1977. In other words a shit ton of people aren’t even looking for work. And they’ve no social protection net. So your story doesn’t really check out.

Of course in practical terms the effective minimum wage in Denmark for example is much higher than our minimum wage. But because it’s done through collective bargaining it’s not in your comparison.

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Just home from WORK there
The Shinners will love that now - probably try and impose an extra tax on a man doing his best for his family in an honest fashion so they can build more council estates for single mothers and their male hangers on
shur why would you bother at all - the greens would prefer i added an extra 3 hours to my journey by having to resort to a bus that they only want running every 90 minutes


What are you on about? 25% of the US population are on welfare, it’s become as much of a welfare state as Ireland. Long term unemployment is limited to 26 weeks.

You’re counting many people more than once there I’m afraid. Take away carers and pensions and maternity and the likes you’re left with 200,000 on employment assistance of some sort and a few farmers getting a few quid.

you’re painful.

I said none of that. And if you care to check around Margaret cash and others I’ve been plenty critical about people demanding a house where they like and so on. A few such cases aren’t going to dupe me into thinking we’ve hundreds of thousands of people ripping the state off and livingwith their paw out. That’s lazy stereotyping at its finest. And if you care to check I’ve also previosly commented on challenging long term employment… Like forcing new entrants from a certain date to have at keast completed state exams or do a kind of military service… Again, they raise other issues bit I certainly do not believe you get a free ride in life.
I’ve also zero problem with big business and fully understand the reliance our small economy has on big multi nationals… That doesn’t mean that people from lower socio economic backgrounds or the unemployed at a given time are the defacto enemy of the state.

Spiting venom on people who have grown up in semi slums with no amenities and as outcasts to the rest I’d society is hardly the answer. Poverty is a cycle and while some pull themselves out of it, there are all kinds of psychological factors associated with growing up in such areas/ families… Demanding they live and think like you when the rest of society has largely abandoned them is pure right wing.

Varadkars campaign was cheap and a play to the squeezed middle after the last crash…he gave them a victim to blame…another straight from the right wing tactic book… Look over there.


fucking phone and typos.

Christ what horseshit. Unable to address any of my points, youve just pretended ive said the above. Imagining i hate people from semi slums with no amenities when i never said that, thats your only argument. when i spelled out who i was having a go at. Imaginary straw man arguments is all you have. Pathetic.

You’ve spelled out nothing. You’ve had a cheap go at ‘life long dolers’. Were destroyed on it, and then tried to put a load of words in my mouth. All your bluster and hot air isn’t disguising your stupidity.

In November and early december a lot of couples who are jointly assessed for welfare will “split up” , both get their christmas bonuses, and then get back together in January.

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