General Election 2020 Part 2

I was a biddy Mulligan’s man but preferred the" Old Bell "Kil high road and the cock wasn’t bad either

No wonder they lost

Was there any winners in the last Election?

ROD backers.



Anybody reckon the ff/fg thing might happen. I was quite surprised how bullish the Sindo were about it today

Nailed on from the off.

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Yes it will happen for a couple of reasons.

  1. Michawl needs it to be in Govn to keep his position
  2. Lots of pressure from the lads that lost their seats to go in government so that they can be nominated to the Senate
  3. Politicians are egotistical cunts
  4. Pensions need to be secured



Sinn Fein have been mugged off good and proper by the old guard of FF and FG.

Are there % breakdown of the demographics that didn’t vote?

Neasa Hourigan TD says this grand coalition talk is absolute piffle.

If it does turn out to be true then @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy will be moving to his 4th political party in 4 general elections.

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It might look like that on the surface alright pal
 But we’ve played this to perfection

85% of I’m alright jacks didn’t vote.

It’s disappointing they haven’t made any progress this past week

They should have almost 400 social houses built in that week, according to their targets 




The tolerant left :joy:

Any statistics on who our immigrants voted for?

I’d say Leo voted for himself mate.