General Election 2020 Part 2

Loony Greens inviting each of FG, FF, SF and Soc Dems to 1.5 day summit meetings over the 6 days from Feb 23 to Feb 29 to discuss how compatible each of them are with the loony green agenda.



This could cause a schism for the Celtic crew @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

That’s over seven days, not six. You’d know you were an accountant.

I took the information from the loony green press release.

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Passing the buck for a basic mistake. You’d know you were an accountant alright.




1 February 23
2 February 24
3 February 25
4 February 26
5 February 27
6 February 28
7 February 29

That’s seven days.

Is it acceptable to be a tout these days (@anon61878697)?

I’m on an email distribution list for a weekly market/political/economic update that some lad writes on behalf of a company.

He seemed to have a general election meltdown last week and his couple of paras on the Irish election could have been written by Jim Allister.

Everything got name-checked - Sinn FĂ©in / IRA, shadowy figures, controlled by an illegal paramilitary organisation. His language wasn’t tempered at all. You could tell he was apoplectic. He basically made out that all Sinn FĂ©in voters are scumbag terrorists when only some of us are. Should I complain to put the shits up him/the company?


From the 23 to the 29. They didn’t say to the 29th inclusive. 6 days.

I should clarify, I’ve seen the Enda Fanning witch-hunt so I don’t want editorial control of the weekly update.

Over 6 days would have been from the 23rd to the 28th.

The phrase is automatically all-inclusive.


Just send a threatening PM to @Tim_Riggins and he’ll stop.


Send it to the IFSC e-brigade battalion quartermaster

Not my point. The msm in Ireland are vehemently anti-SF.

A chara, nail this bastard 
 that’s simply not acceptable in today’s world
 Look what happened to you on social media - and this fuck bring’s it into work?? You actually have a duty to report this person.

These are the real shadowy players behind the scenes and they need to be taken out for the good of the cause. How can SF become normalized as long as we face {c}overt hostility in the finance sector?

Comrade, if you believe in a 32 county socialist republic then you’ll do the right thing here and anonymously report him.

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Speaking to a few heads at the Laois Cavan game yesterday. It seems the power or prayer was instrumental in the independent and former SF Carol Nolan’s election in Laois/Offaly.

Micheal Moloney brother of former FF TD John) and many of his cornies prayed her into DĂĄil Eireann by all accounts. She barely handed out a leaflet over her campaign, but John and the boys and girls mobilised a good old fashioned telephone campaign where they got in touch with all the pro life prayer groups and got the vote out. She got a quite modest first preference and cleaned up in transfers.

SF tried to bring her back in but she told Mary Lou to go fuck herself and she’s in the Rural Alliance now.