General Election 2020 Part 2

The Daily Mail has a proud tradition of supporting Nazis.

It has always been pro Fine Gael now that you mention it


No. But we’re pulling crazy conspiracy theorists up on bullshit… weird that she’d apologise and delete all her tweets if she felt she could stand behind her views.

I had to delete loads of tweets before, even though they were all spot on.


Kylie fan straight from the Daily Express playbook- Anti Semitism rife in a leftist party.
What works on the mainland won’t work here Leo.

Ah that’s absolutely classic Fianna Fail small-town posturing. They haven’t gone away you know …

We’ve all deleted the odd weird/nasty post. 125 thousand does seem a lot though.


Classic Fine Gael -

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So the State bought 50 per cent of all new builds (other than one off houses) for social housing?

Classic FG alright.

The federation, which represents most builders, says that the State acquired at least 4,400 new homes for social housing, while investment funds bought 95 per cent of the 3,644 apartments completed here last year.

As a consequence, the federation says that many people seeking to buy their first home “continued to find themselves locked out of the market”.

Of the 21,241 homes completed last year, the CIF says that official figures show 5,068 were one-off houses, which are mainly built by their owners and not offered for sale. Most of these would be built in rural areas.


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4 edits ---- are you done? ----- When you get the point come back to me.

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The number of young Irish adults in their 20s living at home with their parents has grown, according to new EU research.

It has increased by 11% - one of the highest increases in Europe, along with Luxembourg and Romania.

The study by EU agency Eurofound shows that 47.2% of Irish people aged between 25 and 29 live at home with their parents.

In contrast, the rate of 25-29 year olds living at home is 24% in the UK and less than 10% in countries such as Finland and Denmark.

Overall, the highest proportions of young adults living with their parents in 2017 were in southern and eastern EU Member States, as well as Ireland.

The rate is 59% in Portugal - and even higher in countries such as Italy (64%), Greece (69%) and Croatia (73%).

More money for booze and drugs.

Very real threats by dissidents made against SF — it’s no surprise given the level of hatred by stirred up by the press and establishment shills

The Healy Rae’s would be well versed in bullshit talk tbf.

Are lads who plant car bombs influenced by establishment shills?

Well well well (and I’m not talking about where Fine Gael wanted everybody to source their water from).

Hatred is hatred — youre stirring it up and now want to distance yourself from it — Like the Sun newspaper deleting attacks on social media about Caroline Flack