General Election 2020 Part 2

You’d think himself and Leo would just get on with it — everyone sees right through their horseshit

SF need to be given the opportunity to form a govt. Fair play to FFG for allowing them this.

Newly elected FF TD for Cork South West:

Fianna Fáil councillor Christopher O’Sullivan proposed the motion seeking “the immediate cessation of fluoridation of the public water supply” describing it as “a wrong mass medication”.

None better


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The dream team

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Promotion of paramilitarism
MSM / Fake news bashing agenda
Commitment to breaking the state
Against the “establishment”
political advisors known criminals

Trump/Hitler/Sinn Fein - Is this the change we are looking for?

Showing tax paid
yes we have

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Yatesy cosying up to MHR here but mansplaining ‘realpolitik’ to Holly. What a total gobshite

Any sign of a Government lads?

Any day now. Once we get past the talks about having talks about talks stage we are halfway there

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Come back to us on the eve of the Munster championship

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Holly has the sweetest Cark accent I’ve ever heard


I dont know why but he kind of reminded me of Mr Bean there.

Did he wait until every other passenger had gone through the barriers before filming that?

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