General Election 2020 Part 2

ROD has the LUE hopping like sausages in a pan

More power to the Healy Raes too

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Denis Naughten going for Ceann Comhairle 12 months after he had to step down as a Minister due to dodgy dealings. A gas man.

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And they wonder why rooooooral Ireland is “dying”. It’s because they elect idiots. They want it to die.

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There are two types of newly elected TDs that have attracted the attention of the establishment. Those that have the potential to undermine the economic well-being of the state and those who are comic rural figures feeding into a stereotype of roasterism. Your lad is leaning towards column B right now. It’s not surprising in retrospect that he self-selected himself into the Mattie McGrath/Healy-Rae pantomime show.


Why didn’t ROD drive his mini digger into the Dail?

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Boggers belong in the bog

If FG went away and voted for Mary Lou for the bantz what would happen then? She’d be Taoiseach with no numbers?


Michael D is only trotting after this cunt and he only a politician a day.

Giving two fingers to the Jacks while their grandchildren are born and reared in Dublin and perpetuate the dominance of the Dubs.

Bog is an anagram of gob.

Sound man is Sean. Always willing to go the extra mile for his constituents.

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nobody would know who he is mate

Dublin has elected the likes of Haughey, Ray Burke, Liam Lawlor and many more.

Doubt you’d be in a position to pontificate about Mattie McGrath, the Healy Rea’s or anyone else.


Trust me, I have nothing but contempt for the people you named, or those who supported them. I’m not an FF shill and I think there was a fundamentally corrupt culture at the heart of FF for a very long time.

Your lad seems like a decent hard-working sort and hopefully he can represent his constituents well. I think this sort of stunt though isn’t a great look day 1 though.

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and MMOC getting stuck on the plinth was?

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Absolutely stupid and in hindsight an early warning as to her ineffectiveness.


ineffectiveness??? i wouldve said ineptitude

I’d be comfortable with that word too


You’d think she’d shut up about it.