General Election 2020 Part 2

If he could wangle a constituency boundary change so I was roooral again he’d have my vote.

Catherine Connolly, Joan Collins and Pringle are the only independent TDs elected with any modicum of real intellegence


Reads like a line up of a slow learners edition of The Weakest Link.


jesus lads that embarrassing
the country is fucked

It’s reminiscent of the cast of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s nest.

Few of the new SF TDs will feel at home in the asylum now too.

No Taoiseach elected :roll_eyes:

Votes received:
45 Mary Lou McDonald TD
41 Michéal Martin TD
36 Leo Varadkar TD
12 Eamon Ryan TD

As no Taoiseach has been elected this evening, the current Taoiseach will now travel to President Higgins and resign from the office and also tender the resignation of the Government, however they remain in situe on a caretaker basis until a new Government is formed.

The Dáil will now be suspended to allow all elected TDs make efforts to form a coalition.

Failing that, we will have another General Election.

Which “region” are they representing? The nether regions, is it, ie. the arsehole of Ireland?

What a two fingers to rooooooral people by omitting the word from their name.

Sell outs.

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How in the name of jaysus is jack chambers a td. Tying himself up in knots here

Jack Chambers doing his best to appear normal here but you can see the psycho bubbling away under the surface

‘Can I finish my pint’ :grinning:

Chambers must have spent the day learning those lines and will stray from them.

English is such a slimy prick.

Rahoo rahoo rahoo!

They should call themselves “the misfits”

Hes after putting himself into the mix for health there

Oh. My. Days.

A Tour de France by Mary Lou.

There’s something special happening in Ireland.


What a woman. I’ve never been so proud to be Irish


Oh. My. God.

That’s my taoiseach.