General Election 2020 Part 2

Probably the best speech ever delivered in the chamber.

Fuck Israel.

Fuck vaccinations.

Sinn FĂ©in Sinn FĂ©in Sinn FĂ©in


“Winners”, The arrogance of the cunt. SF are going to get some kicking in the next election.



SF are goin to finish off FF next time around if they dont get into government this time.Death by 1000 cuts for meehole.

Like fuck.

I speak the truth.FF are finished no matter what happens.


Michael McGrath is the man to revitalise Fianna Fail. He’s charismatic, forward looking and will have huge appeal for women and young people. Mary Lou won’t stand a chance against him.

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FFs next ard fheis


The Soc Dems going in with FFGreen would be signing their own death warrant

The people in that picture look far too young and agile to be Fianna Failers.

FFs contempt for the north being exposed brutally here

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A lovely wee dig about legacy in there, that’s a proper redding up


Louise O’Reilly mugged off Yates there :grinning:

One of them is spoofing and I know who my money is on.

Hahaha, I liked it by mistake, what a mong

Hilda Naughton has cultivated a very convincing Stepford Wife look.

She’s put her party before her looks

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Failed politician and failed businessman Ivan Yates insists the SF surge was a protest vote. He’s very certain because some woman in Wexford told him it was

Got a feeling FG are looking big picture here. In ten years FF will be an irrelevence and they are positioning themselves to be the main opposition to SF. You can tell by the leadership love ins between Leo and Mary Lou and their deference to all other parties bar FF as exemplified by Hilda tonight and many others of a blueshirt disposition on many other nights.

Leo moving on shows they’re betting on another election?

They could crack a good few months out of this if they have any sense. Are they getting paid full-whack currently, and is there any time limit before another GE has to be called? A good long summer ahead for the lads. How bad.