General Election 2020 Part 2

When the Berlin Wall fell @tallback was sitting there looking at his telly fuming. “They’re trying to subvert the state!”


He thinks Rhodesia is still a thing

Funny you mention East Germany. A socialist paradise that SF can aspire to emulate.

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Way to not address the point again.

Do you personally accept the Irish state and constitution?`


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SF aren’t socialist.

FG were the ones who wanted East Germany to remain in existence, pal.

Dev didn’t. Good to know you now consider the result of the 1932 General Election to be illegitimate.

Venezuela, Cuba, East Germany.
Blue prints SF IRA have for our socialist paradise.


Noted. I think that puts you outside the paradigm of the vast majority of Irish people, who although some want change and think it can be changed for the better, fundamentally believe in our state.

A list of things @tallback does not accept:

The legitimacy of the Bloody Sunday marchers
The fall of the Berlin Wall
The Romanian revolution
The Maidan protests
The anti-apartheid struggle
The 1932 General Election
John A. Costello’s tenure as Taoiseach
The Sinn Fein courts and any other civil disobedience
Any anti-colonial struggle

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The result of the election is not illegitimate nor is this one.

Were I present in 1932 I would have made this exact point that in my opinion a pre-condition for governing the state is to recognise it.

You do know you come across as a nutcase when you make that sort of post?


@anon7035031 already has that niche covered on this forum.

I believe in Ireland. I do not subscribe to the FFG cartel. Change is happening, its best you stop clinging to the past

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Massive over-reach there.

De Valera and FF did not accept the Irish constitution, which you consider to be indivisible from the Irish state.

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All of those things “subverted the state”, to use your terminology.

Have a nice day Sid.

Hi Sid

He has never recovered from the loss of General Franco. No blueshirt really has

They are running for the hills now I see. Just like they did in Alicante

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