General Election 2020 Part 2

General Franco actually did subvert the state. He overthrow a democratically elected socialist government. And Fine Gael’s first leader, who was an out and out fascist, helped him do it.

And I fundamentally disagree with that stance.

They love a good dictator the FFGers, so they do. Franco wasn’t the only one they actively supported

Which shows that my list of things unacceptable to you from a few posts back was not “an over reach” at all.

He’s been strawmanning all morning that lad

You’re a complete headbanger.

If Fine Gael get into government again this is the sort of headbanging right-wing nonsense we can expect. (cc: of @TheUlteriorMotive).

The face on the lad beside her :smile:

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Fixed that for you


That’s a very rattled response.

This is from Stephen Collins in the Irish Times today. The right wingers are reeling.

He’s a complete headbanger.

Nope, they’re lining up the Vice President and another leader up in NI

Drew Harris says the Ra army council still exists. :anguished:

An army council committed to peace and politics ---- not much of a fucking army is it?

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I’d like to see a separate political party called “the IRA” to be set up for clarity, just to get the differences between them and Sinn Fein out in the open. If they won seats they could form a coalition government with Sinn Fein.


It’s the only logical way forward out of the current logjam.

If the two parties could come to an agreement on a programme for government - which would be by no means certain.

Fair play to Drew Harris for coming out and confirming Sinn Fein’s commitment to peace and politics… I hope this shuts the shills and establishment lackies up once and for all.