General Election 2020 Part 2

serious question here
Michelle O Neill was on the 5pm news on today fm earlier as we were heading back from our sunday spin to the cooley peninsula saying that she was working towards setting up a programme for government and next week SF would step up their negotiations
remind me again, who elected this person? or are SF now choosing other people from either outside or inside the jurisdiction to form a governement instead of those who were elected as per the ballot paper?


Michelle is forward planning for reunification.

A lad who wins arguments on the INTERNET wouldnā€™t be threatening to doxx lads. Thats the actions of a loser


Iā€™m told you doxxed Sid though. He didnā€™t doxx you.

Youā€™re wildly misinformed. I wouldnā€™t doxx sid, even though I know who he is, Iā€™m not that type. Sid made it clear he had the goods to doxx me and made an open threat here to do so.

Maybe you need a new source for your information.

You did though, didnā€™t you.

Obviously struggling with reading simple English, but in order to remove any doubt to the contrary: I didnā€™t doxx or threaten to doxx sid.

And if sid told you that heā€™s a liar, which TBF isnā€™t that surprising from someone who threatened to doxx


Glad we cleared that up. Iā€™d be more than happy to buy you a coffee and explain it to you face to face.


More from the Brexit playbook. SF have their own band of Dominic Cummings-esque advisers.

What did ye get up to pal? Where did ye go? Did ye get grub etc?

The Shinners have FFG hopping like sausages in a pan over these public meetings. Josepha reckons the people Sinn Fein need to talk to are in the Dail! FG have lots of people in the Dail. But they wonā€™t talk to Sinn Fein. This fact seems to have escaped her.


SF IRA will be seething at this further pressure on the Dublin housing market

Mastercard hopping on board the SF bus.

Great news for Bartra and all the co-living theyā€™re building :clinking_glasses:

Could they not be told to setup in Kilkenny instead?

Leo is seething that Sinn Fein are holding public meetings ā€” :sweat_smile:

Sulking away like a 5 year old. ā€” One minute itā€™s shadowy meetings, the next heā€™s crying when they hold a public one :man_shrugging:

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Northern Trust have 1200 employed in Limerick at this stage.

It is possible to place some jobs outside Dublin. Perhaps someone could tell the IDA?


Is there that many at NT in Limerick . Are they are in the Castletroy premise ???