General Election 2020 Part 2

Not true.


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Thereā€™s Saoradh grafitti gone up in the last week in Limerick. Definitely a segment of republicans unhappy since the GFA. Luckily they donā€™t seem to have any backing in terms of numbers.

I doubt the worldā€™s finest psychologists could even begin to unravel the level of strange going on. He has about ten accounts on here, most of whom came out of hibernation a few weeks ago in outrage at the perceived unfair banning of the Sid poster. Heā€™s a bit careless with his usernames, or maybe he had run out of ideas. Heā€™s very fond of the hill16bhoy and Sid Waddell aliases but one has been permbanned on boards and the other heading that way. His behavior is very predictable, he posts something that sounds sensible, someone responds to him and within a few exchanges he calls them a fascist and gets banned.

Look Iā€™m well versed in psychology and if I had the time Iā€™d do a profile on him, but I couldnā€™t be arsed.

Thereā€™s definitely a bit of a want in him.


Actually what you term dissos actually run republican areas,not provos

His posts on Twitter a few weeks ago and attempts to put people real names and lives should have seen him run off here for good but sure heā€™s a SF supporter now and that counts for a lot.


Well fuck meā€¦ Outstanding analysis there a chara.
Read your post again and think about itā€¦

Youā€™ve done thatā€¦ Good. Now read it again and think about it.

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When I say ā€œproperly step out of lineā€ I mean engaging in violence against the PSNI or Loyalists that threatens the peace for real. It seems to me that PIRA now carry about as much menace as a group of pension age 1970s football hooligans do.

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Had to happen to be accepted as a democratic party down here

Some blip alright

Julie Livingstone and countless other innocent children murdered by crown forces strangely pushed aside down here , forgotten about ,and didnā€™t push :peace_symbol: negotiating or change anything really ,ppl forget and move on , majority of ppl in the free state didnā€™t give a feck what happened in the troubles and thatā€™s a fact, some folk pick the likes of Lyra McKee to get their own political points across without GENUINELY giving a feck about the girl,what folk need to ask themselves is why/how it was allowed to happen,and what are the Irish government/ brit government doing about it or creating channels of mediating etc as they did during the war




Stephen Travers, survivor of the Miami SHowband massacre doesnā€™t have a high opinion of Mr Harris


Thereā€™s a lot of pain behind this post

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Could you blame him ref collusion

Travers or Harris? Certainly couldnā€™t blame Travers for his opinion of Harris. Harrisā€™ background in RUC Special Branch puts a huge question mark over his integrity.

Harris, our :fox_face: in the henhouse,we never learn anything down here,same old same old, FF/ FG old guard waiting to take the reins again for more of the same shite since the state was founded

Buddy of mine in Sri Lanka


Harris also may have personal reasons. His Da was an RUC man the Ra killed in the 80ā€™s

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Yeah Iā€™d be the same if I was him, another reason why he should not be in thatā€™ position