General Election 2020 Part 2

Eh? Link?

@TheBird Your ould fella was a blue shirt?



:rofl: you cunt


He was the mayor of the blueshirts

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I think the Rural Independent Group has 6 members, so if FF/FG/Rural Independents were combined they’d have 79
 Probably need the Greens to be safe.

Some serious intimidation and bullying 

Is it only extreme viewed parties that use rally’s?

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Rallys are on their way back, shur Trump is having them regularly.

No, i’d imagine most normal parties hold public meetings.

What party held that rally in Ulster Hall?

Fintan O’Toole riding both horses and having a pop at SF IRA today.


But he is indeed speaking out of both sides of his mouth — the last two all Island votes on this Island were the 1918 elections which was an election for independence in one guise or another — and then the GFA where we all agreed to move on peacefully. Ignoring the first vote and putting an illegal border to create an apartheid state was always gonna lead to violence in one way or another. When men are denied political discourse then they will employ political violence – of course, and ONCE AGAIN, that’s not to justify any atrocity that happened. But look how quickly the south became subservient - the same was denied the North — and lets remember when they marched for civil rights they were attacked - when the Sunningdale agreement was reached it was the Unionists that dragged it down - they were as opposed to granting nationalists equally rights as the IRA were on using violence to achieve their ends ---- the GFA allows for political discourse - it allows for a United Ireland and most importantly it is the will of the whole Island - despite FFG playing political games with it. We could have been where we are now much earlier if it wasnt for loyalists/ Unionists.

A Unionist one

The Nordies love their rallies and their rallying.

Factually incorrect

Not really. It actually emboldens the point. If Eoin O’Duffy was around today, he would be at home in the Sinn Fein party. An Ulster fundamentalist who was head of the IRA, shur where else would he go?

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What party was it?

It’s a funny repost from them considering the fondness that Dan Breen had for the Nazis, SF IRA’s connection to AiltirĂ­ an hAisĂ©irghe, Sean Russell (who Mary Lou attending a memorial for) and Frank Ryan. These were connections that lasted right through the war included the holocaust.

Apparently CnG having a few lads protecting their meetings and styling themselves in the new political buzz at the time, then throwing them out after a year and being called too Unionist for fascism is far worse.


If we are going playing that game Charlie Haughey would definitely be a Blue shirt if he was around today. A money hungry cunt who didn’t give a fuck about anybody apart from his rich mates.


FFGers trying to rewrite history here. They took the facist soup, they gave the Hitler salutes, they fought for Franco. A bit of self reflection might do their followers here no harm