General Election 2020 Part 2

Dev sent condolences to Germany after Hitler died — many establishment men were supporters of nazi-ism or fascism also ---- they were men of their time and judging them on today’s world is a tad unfair. One of the top men in the Irish Army and close friend of Dev subscribed to Nazism and the destruction of jews… Ireland became a very green/catholic -centric country that largely looked inwards post independence - that wouldnt be too out of place in today’s ethno-nationalist Europe. Still, i’m not sure a lot of these men really knew what nazi-ism meant in the way we understand it today.

SF IRA who have advocated a No vote for every EU treaty would be cut from same cloth and share a lot of Dev DNA in their isolationism and nationalism. O’Cuiv could easily work with SF IRA and has a lot in common with them.

Life is fluid pal. Everyone here is constantly trying to tie everything down into one cause or one outlook — I think we had a tweet on this recently - Casual Reductionism

You either take connections to or support for fascism/fascists seriously for everybody or you take it seriously for nobody.

What you’ve done there is told us that certain people’s support for fascism/fascists is a problem and then completely airbrushed out of history/excused it for Fine Gael people.

That’s not a legitimate position to take.


That’s not rewriting history, those are facts.

You’re ascribing your blueshirt identity politics to engage in revisionism, ergo rewriting history

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So why is it a point to to condemn FG for?

As always there are different levels of these things.

My view

Taking some stylings from facism in the early 1930s and then throwing them out quickly is not at the level of active participation. Ditto a letter of condolence. It baffles me how this is a point of attack when Republicans actively supported the Third Reich until the end. I also have never seen contemporary FG celebrating Eoin O’Duffy like SF have Sean Russell.

Anti Semitism was quite clearly a problem in Ireland across the board in the 1930s and into the 1940s (Dev’s lacklustre commitment to refugees, Oliver Flanagan’s comments, most of SF/IRA). Sadly there is only one party that seems to continue to condone that as well.

It’s not revisionism

They’re facts

One head banger making comments on social media doesnt reflect a whole party.

I didnt really condemn FG but they do also have a past.

I’m not a fan of commemorations - I’d personally do away with them.

She’s a TD pal and wasn’t disciplined. That says it all.

How do you know what was said and what wasnt said to her ? I have no problem with her anti-Israel stance - I applaud it.

Because Pearse Doherty explicitly said she wouldn’t be disciplined.

One day later he told everyone that he hasn’t even read her tweets.

I havent read her tweets either and i’m lax to pass judgement here without context.

You already called her a headbanger

Yeah I was covering my bases.

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Where are we all meeting tonight for pints pre and post the Liberty Hall public meeting?

He was a FG man so that is a ridiculous post.

The Irish have a real problem with drink

Blueshirt airbrushing by Tim.


Own up to your past, Tim.

It’s gas the way Tim Riggins won’t condemn the pro-Nazi past of his party and is a die hard Zionist.