General Election 2020 Part 2

Used they exist?

Lots of people claimed they did.

but theres more evidence that the govts of FG and FF were controlled by a non tax resident and the banks than the Ra controlling the shinners


Did they used to write letters and sign them, or phone in hellos to the authorities?

That doesnt count - people in shirts and ties are not criminals.

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I’ve no idea mate, you’ll have to ask them yourself — I try not to engage with people that peddle gossip and half truths because it’s a very dangerous road to go down.

I just don’t think you put your heart and soul into that comparison mate.

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The IRA never said they were disbanded, see statements

Last one 2005, Conor Murphy talked to them in 2007.

All intelligence reports suggests they exist in some form.

So where is your evidence?

I’m apolitical to the point of leaving the country during elections :man_shrugging:t2:
There are some people who mix up sports and politics supporting-wise though, to the point of “insert your whataboutery argument” here irregardless of topic.

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SF want to CUT taxes further for the majority there. Nordic model for sure.

The intelligence reports that claimed the IRA have no military capability or desire? The one that said they are engaged with peace and politics? :rofl:

So they exist then, thanks

I knew Brolly would get involved eventually.

A wonder it took him five days

These Ra related “gotchas” remind me of something like a Neighbourhood Watch Group (all the rage in the late 1980s and into the 1990s) that disbanded in 2005. Asking somebody who was in it a question about it today or in 2007, or whenever, doesn’t mean it exists now and didn’t actually cease activity in 2005.

Family bereavement?

You’re a bit slow - I was laughing at the stupidity of the report —

In fairness they were burying the auld lad in the midst of all this. Although I did see him on eir sport on Saturday.

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I forgot about Francie, at dheis DĂŠ